- attachment of load
- подцепка груза
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
Attachment-Inhibitor — Entry Inhibitoren sind Arzneistoffe aus der Gruppe der Virostatika. Sie inhibitieren (unterbrechen) den Eintritt des Virus in die Wirtszelle. Es gibt drei Schlüsselstellen im Eintrittsvorgang an denen Entry Inhibitoren ansetzen[1]: Bindung des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Load-bearing wall — A load bearing wall (or bearing wall) is a wall that bears a load resting upon it by conducting its weight to a foundation structure. The materials most often used to construct load bearing walls in large buildings are concrete, block, or brick.… … Wikipedia
M-1956 Load-Carrying Equipment — The M 1956 Load Carrying Equipment [ LCE ] , also known as the Individual Load Carrying Equipment [ ILCE ] , replaced the M 1910 olive drab cotton canvas and web individual equipment which had remained in service, with various modifications since … Wikipedia
Pouch Attachment Ladder System — The PALS grid is easily visible in this image of the US Marine Corps Interceptor Body Armor The Pouch Attachment Ladder System or PALS is a grid of webbing invented and patented by United States Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and… … Wikipedia
Personal Load Carrying Equipment — (PLCE) is the current tactical webbing system of the British Army. It consists of a belt, yoke (shoulder harness) and a number of pouches. Associated with PLCE webbing is a series of other similar load carrying equipment and rucksacks (See… … Wikipedia
Improved Load Bearing Equipment — The Improved Load Bearing Equipment or ILBE is a United States Marine Corps program that includes individual load carriage equipment, individual hydration systems (camelback) and individual water purification. Since the rucksack was the first… … Wikipedia
Slip Sheet — Slip Sheets are thin pallet sized sheets made of plastic or fibreboard, used in commercial shipping.DescriptionThe slip sheet is used as a unit load support device in vehicle delivery and transportation of products. When slip sheets are supported … Wikipedia
Forklift truck — A forklift (also called a lift truck, a high/low, a stacker truck, or a sideloader) is a powered industrial truck used to lift and transport materials. The modern forklift was developed in the 1920s by various companies including the transmission … Wikipedia
MOLLE — United States Army soldier wearing MOLLE gear MOLLE (pronounced MOLLY as in the female name) is an acronym for MOdular Lightweight Load carrying Equipment. It is used to define the current generation of load bearing equipment and rucksacks… … Wikipedia
muscle — muscleless, adj. muscly, adj. /mus euhl/, n., v., muscled, muscling, adj. n. 1. a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body. 2. an organ, composed of muscle tissue, that contracts to produce a… … Universalium
MOLLE (military) — MOLLE (pronounced MOLLY as in the female name) is an acronym for MOdular Lightweight Load carrying Equipment. It is used to define the current generation of load bearing equipment and rucksacks utilized by the United States Army. The system s… … Wikipedia